What are some strategies to handle frequent schema changes in data sources without breaking Power BI reports

+1 vote
What are some strategies to handle frequent schema changes in data sources without breaking Power BI reports?

The schema of our data sources frequently changes, which often causes my Power BI reports to break. What strategies can I use to manage schema changes more effectively and minimize disruptions to my reports?
Nov 14, 2024 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 19,000 points

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote

Frequent changes in the schema of source data are mostly detrimental to Power BI reports. This results in 'broken' visuals, missing tables or columns, and, in some instances, errors in the calculated fields. Below are guidelines to mitigate such changes and sustain the stability of reports in Power BI regardless of the data connection mode used.

1. Use of Dataflows and Views for Abstraction

Dataflows (Import and Direct query mode). Dataflows also help create a buffer zone between the data and Power BI. Create and manage fixed reusable tables in Power BI service. If the target schema changes, it is sufficient to change one dataflow only; thus, the need, in most cases, to change several reports is eliminated. Further, this approach of using high-level SQL views or some other similar opinions at the database layer offers a consistent schema for Power BI to connect to while ensuring connection to the backend that can keep changing without disturbing the reports.

2. Utilize Parameters and Custom Queries

In Direct Lake, DirectQuery, and Push models, parameters and custom queries are used to accommodate schema changes by using metadata that allows schedule changes. They can also be set to allow custom parameters that will always cope with schema change or even go to custom queries that will cope with new fields. This is particularly advantageous in Push modes due to the increased likelihood of changes. For example, the parameters of the Power Query Navigation and Select Columns steps act to prevent changing names on the existing columns or changing the order of columns in the report when they are used.

3. Restructuring the Data and the Management of Errors With Alerts and Power BI

In LiveConnect mode, Power BI takes the schema from the respective source, which could be devices such as the Azure Analysis Services or the Power BI datasets. That said, refreshing the schema and implementing strategies to manage error states are very important.

4. Composing a Data Model That is Modular

Desktop Publishing System Approaches May Be Used to Achieve Any or All of The Modes Tabular, Import, Direct Query, LiveConnect, or Push Models. For instance, instead of combining lookup dimension tables (for example, date or category tables) with fact tables, separate tables are created, which would involve changes only in the affected tables. This also allows for reducing the redrafting of the overall report in the case that any one data source alters.

5. Continuous Testing and Source Management

In any mode, it helps if someone sets up automated testing scripts or monitoring tools to ensure that the schema between the data source and the Power BI model does not drift and, more importantly, even to do these beforehand to avoid issues. Source monitoring can be performed using SQL queries, ETL tools, and software designed specifically for monitoring only. Suppose these tests are a part of your CI/CD pipeline'. In that case, changes in database schemas will be detected while still within the application, and in some cases, changes will even be done prior to reprocessing reports in Power BI.

Implementing these principles would help keep the Power BI reports unchanged. Even if there are changes in the underlying schema and schemas, these will barely affect your reporting, which is good for the quality of the insights you provide in the long run.

answered Nov 14, 2024 by pooja
• 16,780 points
0 votes
Using Query Dependencies: Reference tables, not columns, with the use of query dependencies.

Dynamic Column Names: Using Table.ColumnNames in Power Query.

Parameterize Queries: Using Parameters to make queries easier to modify.

Error Handling: Error-catching steps in Power Query.

Version Control: Separate datasets for each schema version.

All such hybrids would minimize outages associated with schema changes.
answered Jan 8 by Vani
• 3,440 points

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