What are some strategies to handle frequent schema changes in data sources without breaking Power BI reports

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What are some strategies to handle frequent schema changes in data sources without breaking Power BI reports?

The schema of our data sources frequently changes, which often causes my Power BI reports to break. What strategies can I use to manage schema changes more effectively and minimize disruptions to my reports?
Nov 11, 2024 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 22,610 points

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Frequent updates or changes are bound to happen when working with data sources, and when poorly managed, Power BI reports can be chaotic. These few hacks could be effective.

Utilize Dataflows or Staging Tables: If possible, create Power BI Dataflows or staging tables in the data source so that a barrier is made between the data and the reports, date-stamping everything in this field. Dataflows enable one to create a schema, which may not be prone to changes because of the sources. Whereas sources may undergo restructuring, it is only the dataflow mapping that will change; there is no need to change every report, thus lessening the burden on the end users.

Use of Different Layers in a Data Model: Create a "semantic layer" in the data model developed for the reports with a set of standard tables and standard fields that are not dependent on the raw database schema and do not connect the reports directly with the raw tables. This layer, understood as mapping, will take care of data placement in the model, so even if there are changes to the names of fields or table structures in the sources, the mappings will need to be modified rather than the actual report. The data model of Power BI is such that it can contain these kinds of changes with a very small degree of discomfort.

Whenever data sources are involved, regular updates or changes in the content structure can be expected. If managed properly, Power BI reports can be smooth. These few hacks could help.

Deploy Dataflows or Staging Tables: Incorporate Power BI Dataflows or staging tables into the data source so that a wall is erected separating the data from the reports with a time stamp on all activities in this scope. Dataflows allow the design of a particular structure that is safe from the rot of source changes. Only the dataflow mapping will change, and due to the restructuring of the sources, no report has to be changed; hence, the end users' burden is reduced.

Data Model with Multiple Layers Approach: In the data model created for the reports, include a "semantic layer" comprising easy views of the same set of standard tables and standard fields, which do not rely on the structural layout of the raw database nor link the reports directly to the raw tables. This layer, which is also referred to as mapping, will help to insert the data into the model so that even if there are changes in the name of some fields or the structure of the tables from where the source data comes, the mappings will be changed rather than the actual report. The Power BI data model is designed so that such alterations can be accommodated within it with minimal inconveniences.

answered Nov 11, 2024 by pooja
• 21,730 points

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