They are as follows: Handle formatting issues in exporting Power BI reports to Excel or PDF:
Set Accurate Widths for Columns: Adjust column widths in Power BI manually before exporting to ensure sufficient space for text. After export, open the file in Excel and then perform AutoFit where desired.
Use Table Visual: Ensure you use table visuals with proper formatting to cover large pieces of text. Keep columns long and restrict the text shown in each cell to make reading easy.
Export to Custom Settings: To export to PDF, set the page layout (portrait/landscape) to page and scan options to store content properly.
Test With Different Exports: If this does not work, export to Excel and PDF with different layout options and retweak the visuals until you find what works best for you.
Use Power BI Paginated reports: If you require extra control in formatting your reports for export, this could be the alternative. Paginated reports encourage much more flexible design.