How do you resolve memory or performance issues when running large Power BI reports with heavy DAX calculations

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How do you resolve memory or performance issues when running large Power BI reports with heavy DAX calculations?

I'm working on a project that involves running large Power BI reports that rely heavily on complex DAX calculations. As the data volume grows, I'm encountering memory and performance issues, which are affecting the report load times and responsiveness. I want to optimize the performance and ensure that the reports run efficiently without straining system resources.

Are there specific strategies or optimizations I can implement to reduce memory consumption and improve performance for these DAX-heavy reports? Any guidance on best practices for managing large datasets in Power BI with complex calculations would be greatly appreciated!
Nov 5, 2024 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 20,980 points

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  • For large Power BI reports populated with DAX queries, it is common to experience performance issues and run out of memory. However, there are a few customizations that, if implemented, can improve the situation a great deal. To begin with, try to simplify DAX calculations as you can. Don’t define measures including complex or nested DAX functions, as they take up memory and slow down the processing burden LEED. In such cases, it is advisable to approximate complex computations in phases, and in this case, you can also incorporate most of the computations into the data model. When possible, use calculated columns instead of measures, as values get stored in memory and only guesstimated on the creation of the report, thereby easing the burden on report run time.

  • In addition, using the Performance Analyzer feature in Power BI helps in evaluating the performance efficiency of visuals, measures, DAX queries, and more since it is that important. When this feature is turned on, it also allows the user to see how long each component takes to load and find its limits. The Performance Analyzer records the time taken by visuals and the time taken to execute a query, providing room for improvement in those components. In most cases, improving the load time of the visuals with the highest load time is sufficient to make the report responsive.

  • Finally, Report performance is also affected by optimizing Row Level Security(RLS), especially if you use more sophisticated security filters. RLS can introduce cost on the query plan because of extra filtering, which causes delays while working with big data sets, so try to make RLS filters less granular and only implement these on levels that make business sense. Where possible, merge RLS roles or use dynamic RLS instead of just role-based RLS, as excessive user groups or roles will stress the system. Also, avoid using relationships that involve many too many connections, as these are resource-heavy and worsen performance.
answered Nov 5, 2024 by pooja
• 17,140 points

edited Mar 6
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For memory and performance management within Power BI reports that encompass intensive DAX calculations, you will just have to claim optimization of the data model and the DAX, including enhancing the dataset.

Optimizing Data Model: Attempt to adopt a star schema structure where a fact and dimension table exists for a simplified relationship. Ditch is creating too many calculated columns in Power BI; do Transformations in Power Query instead. Limit the row and column usage to only those necessary for analysis.

Improve DAX Efficiency: Rewrite the impression as a measure into smaller measures and reusable calculations. Store intermediate results using a variable (VAR) to avoid recalculation. Don't use heavy resource functions like CALCULATE or FILTER unnecessarily; use aggregate instead of row-by-row calculation.

Controlled Big Data: Aggregates to precompute totaled amounts that are normal for users. Incremental refresh for fetching new data. Data compression on numeric and date fields and ensuring high cardinality-optimized or removed columns. DirectQuery or Hybrid mode if real-time data access is requisite; otherwise, your model could be overloaded.

However, these will enable you to reduce memory usage and improve performance in your Power BI reports significantly.

answered Dec 18, 2024 by Anu
• 3,020 points

edited Mar 6

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