How do you keep documentation up to date with rapid changes in DevOps infrastructure

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How do you keep documentation up to date with rapid changes in DevOps infrastructure?

DevOps infrastructures tend to be dynamic and rapidly changing; documentation has to be maintained regularly in order to reflect the changing situation. I would want to know in this question how you ensure that documentation stays up-to-date, how you manage the changes, how you involve the team in the effort, and what automation or tools (like wikis, code comments, or some form of Git-based documentation) you might use in order to maintain current information and accessibility in the configurations, tools, and practice.
Nov 4 in DevOps Tools by Anila
• 5,040 points

1 answer to this question.

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DevOps processes and infrastructure are constantly evolving, making documentation challenging to maintain. Here’s how I ensure my documentation stays up-to-date.

Documentation as Code: I actually maintain my documentation files like code in the same Git repository; these could be either Markdown or AsciiDoc. With this approach, we update documentation through pull requests in confluence with the code change. The version control avails an audit trail about changes; hence it helps track traceability and accountability.

Automation in CI/CD Pipelines: I configure CI/CD pipelines to automatically update documentation whenever changes are made to the infrastructure. For example, using CI tools like GitHub Actions, documentation can be auto-published to platforms like MkDocs or docsify, creating live, web-accessible documentation that stays current with the latest updates.

For bigger teams, I rely on collaborative tools such as Confluence or Notion. In these tools, members of the DevOps team can update documentation in a collaborative manner. Structured pages, templates, and permissions allow teams to track and review edits, and notifications ensure that relevant stakeholders are informed.

Documentation Reviews and Sprints: During sprints and retrospectives, we allocate time for planning and reviewing documentation. Incorporating documentation as part of the "Definition of Done" in DevOps ensures thoroughness. Significant changes to infrastructure and tools are consistently documented, and periodic reviews help close gaps, providing updated and higher-quality documentation.

answered Nov 18 by Gagana
• 7,530 points

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