Is there a way to have Looker charts cross-filter when they use different datasets although joined by a common UID

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Is there a way to have Looker charts cross-filter when they use different datasets (although joined by a common UID)?

I'm working on a Looker dashboard and want to enable cross-filtering between charts that use different datasets but share a common UID. Is there a way to set this up so that filtering in one chart updates the others? Any tips or workarounds would be appreciated!
Oct 30 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 8,370 points

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

Whenever there are DAX circular dependency errors in Power BI DAX expressions, you can apply some pragmatic ways to avoid them.

Separate Calculations: First, separate calculations that could impact each other. Instead of piling on measures to already existing ones, create independent intermediate measures. This way, the cycle is broken, and each calculation depends on an already completed and stable result.

Utilize Variables: A word on variables in DAX (VAR statements): These are vital in controlling dependencies. Quite often, intermediate results are estimated within a single measure to avoid estimating several dependent calculated columns. Variables are only computed once and kept in memory, hence minimizing circular reference.

Rethink Dependencies: Reorganize the model where appropriate to avoid redundant dependencies. Rather than stacking calculations, it may be more prudent to merge some or all of them into a single measure. In case of multiple calculations, eliminate any that are the same to lessen the dependence of the others.

Check Filter Context: Complex filter contexts can also cause circular dependencies. Shape your measures properly with respect to row-level filters, and consider using REMOVE FILTERS or ALL functions to handle complex dependencies within calculated columns or measures.

For more information, check this link:

answered Oct 30 by pooja
• 8,470 points

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