Is there a way to add a subtitle to a visual using PowerBI-client

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Is there a way to add a subtitle to a visual using PowerBI-client?

I'm working on a project using the PowerBI-client, and I need to add a subtitle directly to a visual for better context. I understand Power BI visuals support customization options, but I'm specifically looking for a way to include a subtitle natively within the PowerBI-client without overlaying text manually. Is there a built-in method to achieve this, or any efficient workaround? Any guidance on how to implement or format this would be greatly appreciated
Oct 25, 2024 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 12,810 points

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

Currently, the PowerBI client does not natively support adding subtitles directly within visuals. However, you can create a similar effect by using a few workarounds within Power BI or with the PowerBI client.

  1. Title Customization: Adjust the visual's title to include extra information. Separating the main title and subtitle with a separator like a colon or a dash (e.g., "Main Title—Subtitle") simulates a subtitle in the title area.
  2. Text Box Overlay: If you need more precise formatting or positioning, consider using a text box overlay in Power BI. Create a text box containing your subtitle and position it above or near the visual to act as a subtitle. Though not natively integrated within the visual, it provides flexibility in styling and positioning.
  3. Custom Visual Development: For projects with specific needs, creating a custom visual in Power BI allows complete control over visual components, including subtitles.

These approaches let you add context to visuals while using the existing Power BI-client functionality.

answered Oct 25, 2024 by pooja
• 12,450 points

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