Is there a way to add a subtitle to a visual using PowerBI-client

+1 vote
Is there a way to add a subtitle to a visual using PowerBI-client?

I'm working on a project using the PowerBI-client, and I need to add a subtitle directly to a visual for better context. I understand Power BI visuals support customization options, but I'm specifically looking for a way to include a subtitle natively within the PowerBI-client without overlaying text manually. Is there a built-in method to achieve this, or any efficient workaround? Any guidance on how to implement or format this would be greatly appreciated
Oct 25, 2024 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 20,980 points

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

Currently, the PowerBI client does not natively support adding subtitles directly within visuals. However, you can create a similar effect by using a few workarounds within Power BI or with the PowerBI client.

  1. Title Customization: Adjust the visual's title to include extra information. Separating the main title and subtitle with a separator like a colon or a dash (e.g., "Main Title—Subtitle") simulates a subtitle in the title area.
  2. Text Box Overlay: If you need more precise formatting or positioning, consider using a text box overlay in Power BI. Create a text box containing your subtitle and position it above or near the visual to act as a subtitle. Though not natively integrated within the visual, it provides flexibility in styling and positioning.
  3. Custom Visual Development: For projects with specific needs, creating a custom visual in Power BI allows complete control over visual components, including subtitles.

These approaches let you add context to visuals while using the existing Power BI-client functionality.

answered Oct 25, 2024 by pooja
• 17,140 points
This is a solid approach to adding subtitles in Power BI using creative workarounds. The solutions are practical and can help enhance the clarity and context of your visuals.
0 votes
Currently, Power BI does not have a native built-in subtitle feature for visuals within the PowerBI client. But, it can be mimicked by making use of the "Title" property of visuals. You may enable title formatting to include title and subtitle, like with line breaks in the title text itself, for example. Another method is to use a text box below the visual to do manual subtitle positioning and resizing. While this does not directly compare with the native subtitle mechanism, it provides additional context to your visuals.
answered Dec 3, 2024 by anonymous
• 3,560 points

edited Mar 6
0 votes
Inbuilt options in the Power BI client are absent to insert subtitles anywhere within the visuals. However, one can always go for a way around and use a textbox or card visual placed near the main visual for this purpose. Alternatively, you may also create dynamic titles or subtitles from DAX to get updated based on the selections made by the users or filters. This presentation can give the subtitle function of your report interactively while leaving it aligned with your report's interactivity.
answered Dec 6, 2024 by anonymous
• 3,560 points

edited Mar 6

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