Is it required for a QA tester to learn DevOps

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With this, the question arises: how helpful and how necessary learning DevOps skills for a QA tester is. It tries to understand if DevOps changes the role of a QA tester, whether the understanding of DevOps principles related to CI/CD and automation help to improve testing efficiency, efficiency in collaboration with development teams, and actually overall product quality. It should also consider the fact of how the information in DevOps may have helped the QA tester get adjusted to the trends in industries, operate effectively within agile environments, or most likely lead towards opportunities for advancement in their career in DevOps.
Oct 25, 2024 in DevOps Tools by Anila
• 5,070 points

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Although it's not strictly essential to be up-to-date with DevOps as a QA tester, knowledge of DevOps will be very beneficial in the following ways:

Better Collaboration: DevOps promotes cross-functional collaboration between developers, operations teams, and QA. Once a QA tester is familiar with the practices followed by DevOps, it becomes easy to collaborate with developers and operations personnel for a better workflow.

Automation of Testing: In a DevOps environment, the usual case is that the testing is automatically bundled with a CI/CD pipeline. In such an environment, learning DevOps and contributing to test automation makes QA testers far more valuable as assets to the team.

Continuous Feedback: DevOps has an inherent focus on continuous integration and delivery, which means that the applications must be continuously fed back on how they are doing in terms of performance and quality. If one knows DevOps, it can implement and use feedback loops to improve product quality and user experience.

Career Opportunities: Knowing DevOps can open up new career prospects. Many companies hire QA professionals who can facilitate DevOps practice where testing support is essential in the process of development.

Simplified and Efficient Testing: Awareness about DevOps tools and practices may simplify testing to help save time while delivering quality software. Testers learn how to work with CI/CD tools, version control systems, and monitoring solutions to realize fast delivery of software.

In short, although not mandatory, DevOps training can really help move one's skills to a QA tester, thus making him more pliable and worthwhile for the given speed of the landscape in the software development world.


answered Oct 25, 2024 by Gagana
• 10,030 points

edited Mar 6
0 votes
Although it's not required, learning DevOps can greatly advance a QA tester's career. QA duties, including testing, quality assurance, and monitoring, are strongly aligned with DevOps' emphasis on collaboration, automation, and continuous delivery. Testers can become more efficient, adjust to quicker release cycles, and become essential to the software development lifecycle by learning DevOps skills like CI/CD pipelines, test automation, containerization (e.g., Docker), and cloud platforms. In addition to expanding their skill set, this knowledge increases their career options in positions such as DevOps tester, automation engineer, and SRE.
answered Dec 3, 2024 by mounika
• 200 points

edited Mar 6

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