For my formula, I want to add numerous IF statements. The reason for this is that I need to deactivate (mark as N/A and NA) the values that are equal to the other specific values as described below:
LP372/24/60+1=($NO372-720)/24/60+1 => If any of the values don't occur at midnight, mark them as N/A.
LP372/24/60+1=$NO372/24/60+1 => those values that don't occur within the noon hour should be marked as NA.
The issue is that I need to divide them, thus I can't keep them under one IF statement.
I've only used one IF statement so far, and it's nested. It looks like this:
=IF(OR((LP372/24/60+1)=(($NO372-720)/24/60+1), OR((LP372/24/60+1)=($NO372/24/60+1))),"N/A",LP372/24/60+1).
The NO372 value roughly corresponds to the time of local noon. With the knowledge that one day consists of 24 hours x 60 minutes, or 1440 minutes, we may subtract the 720 to get an approximate estimate of midday for this location.
The above formula produces a pleasing result, but it omits the divide between noon and midnight that I am referring to.

Is there a way to set up multiple IF statements? I need to:
- make the values equal to midnight as N/A,
- make the values equal to midday as NA
- keep the other values as they stand