I'm working on an Excel tax sheet that contains numerous if statements to account for the various tax rates. Currently, I cannot get the last if statement to work no matter how much I modify it. I'll include some images so I can better illustrate it. K26 contains the If statement by itself. It appears to be like this:
The highlighted cells are changed to make this function.

The problem is that it works up to 20 000 000 NOK, but a number higher than that in AM24 does not show in K26. I am pretty convinced it's a problem with the second part of the statement, but I can't get it to work no matter how I approach the function.
I have tried adding values as numbers in the IF statement.
I have also tried changing the numbers with the corresponding Cell values, but nothing seems to work, I am pretty sure it's an easy solution, but I can't see it clearly.