In VS2013 building stops when tsc exits with code 1. This was not the case in VS2012.
How do I handle the tsc.exe error?
I get many `The property 'x' does not exist on value of type 'y'` errors, which I want to ignore when using JS functions.
The easiest solution to this is:
(y as any).x
This cast is explicit so it will compile even with noImplicitAny flag set.
to ignore it globally, in your tsconfig.json, do this:
{ "compilerOptions": { "useUnknownInCatchVariables": false } }
You can use type assertion, like this: (<any>Object).as ...READ MORE
reducers: { updateMode(state: SliceState, ...READ MORE
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Combine the following TypeScript compiler options --allowJs Explicitly supports ...READ MORE
I am trying to generate a typescript ...READ MORE
The same as a couple of days ...READ MORE
It is used to enable strict mode, ...READ MORE
For TypeScript 2.1 and higher, you can ...READ MORE
Double check the newly added object types. ...READ MORE
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