Typescript Property XXX does not exist on type IntrinsicAttributes IntrinsicClassAttributes

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I'm working on a project with Typescript, React and Redux (all running in Electron), and I've run into a problem when I'm including one class based component in another and trying to pass parameters between them. Loosely speaking, I've got the following structure for the container component:

class ContainerComponent extends React.Component<any,any> {
  render() {
    const { propToPass } = this.props;
    <ChildComponent propToPass={propToPass} />

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(ContainerComponent);

And the child component:

interface IChildComponentProps extends React.Props<any> {
  propToPass: any

class ChildComponent extends React.Component<IChildComponentProps, any> {

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(ChildComponent);

Obviously I'm only including the basics and there is much more to both of these classes but I'm still getting an error when I try and run what looks to me like valid code. The exact error that I'm getting:

TS2339: Property 'propToPass' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes<Component<{}, ComponentState>> & Readonly<{ childr...'.

When I first encountered the error I thought it was because I wasn't passing in an interface defining my props, but I created that (as you can see above) and it still doesn't work. I'm wondering, is there something I'm missing?

When I exclude the ChildComponent prop from the code in the ContainerComponent, it renders just fine (aside from my ChildComponent not having a critical prop) but with it in the JSX Typescript refuses to compile it. I think it might have something to do with the connect wrapping, but the problems in that article occurred in the index.tsx file and were a problem with the provider, and I'm getting my problems elsewhere.

Jun 7, 2022 in TypeSript by Logan
• 2,140 points

1 answer to this question.

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Double check the newly added object types. When object type is not exactly as expected such error is thrown.

If you need to know more about React, Its recommended to join React JS course today.

answered Jun 8, 2022 by Nina
• 3,060 points

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