How to create a responsive layout on Tableau dashboards

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I made four tableau spreadsheets, which we'll call W1, W2, W3, and W4. Each worksheet features a table-style data display.
I'd want to display them in a dashboard. So I created four vertical layouts and inserted the papers into them.
W1's size fluctuates depending on the data. So, if the data is substantial, it's possible that a new row will be added to the W1. The dashboard with layout1 (i.e. W1) selected may be seen here - Dashboard1.

So, if the height of layout1 grows (e.g., new rows in W1), I don't want a scroll bar to appear. I'd want the additional layouts below layout1 to resize themselves to fit the size of layout1.

What can I do to make it happen?
Mar 24, 2022 in Tableau by Neha
• 9,020 points

1 answer to this question.

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You can position components in a vertical container to create a column with multiple components stacked in rows, all having the same widths but with individual row heights controlled by the vertical layout container. Use vertical containers for instance to make sidebars in the margin or a vertical stack of components. Horizontal containers work analogously.

You can either fix the height of each component in a vertical container to constrain the container's choices, or you can leave the height choice to the container - which will consider to the volume of data, height of other containers, and the "fit" settings for each component. Horizontal containers work analogously.

You can nest vertical and horizontal containers to create an arbitrary nesting of rows and columns of components.
answered Mar 30, 2022 by Vaani
• 7,070 points
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Tableau's Vertical and Horizontal Layout containers are designed/intended to allow you to specify how dashboard components should be positioned precisely (worksheets, titles, text components, image components etc).

Tableau creates tiled layout containers automatically when you place a component on the dashboard. In that instance, you're giving Tableau some control over placement.

Tiled containers are useful for getting started in simple scenarios, but when you wish to define placement yourself, you should eliminate the tiled layout containers (along with any other superfluous tiers of containers). To remove a container from the layout hierarchy on the left sidebar, just right-click on it.

You can use a vertical layout container to create a column with numerous components stacked in rows, all with the same widths but with the vertical layout container controlling the individual row heights. To construct sidebars in the margin or a vertical stack of components, use vertical containers. Horizontal containers function similarly.

You may either confine the container's options by fixing the height of each component in a vertical container, or you can let the container choose its own height based on the amount of data, the height of other containers, and the "fit" settings for each component. Horizontal containers function similarly.

To construct an arbitrary layering of rows and columns of components, you may nest vertical and horizontal containers.

You can construct responsive dashboards that operate properly when the dashboard alters size, modifying the fit, size, nesting, and layout hierarchy to obtain the behaviour you want if the dashboard size is set to automatic or range.

To summarise, remove the tiled containers, reduce the container hierarchy to what you want (perhaps just one vertical container in your instance), tweak the fixed sizes, fit, dashboard size selections, test, and you should have a functional dashboard.

It's sometimes useful to have a fake component (blank, text, or picture) that you can use to temporarily use until you have your containers set up the way you want them to be - then replace the dummy components with your genuine worksheets.
answered Mar 30, 2022 by Vaani
• 7,070 points

edited Mar 5

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