Tableau How to create a filter based of 3 different columns

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How do you make a filter out of three separate columns? Hello, I'm new to Tableau and would appreciate any assistance or direction along the way.

I'm now working on a problem where I need to create a filter that considers three columns, and then the chart should display the data based on the interactive filter option. This is an example of a table structure.

Region | Sales_upper | Sales_lower | Sales_avg
A.     | 120.        | 60          | 100
B.     | 150.        | 50          | 100

This is my goal: I want to be able to view my sales data by area and have a filter named 'SALES' as a radio button that allows me to select between 'Sales lower', 'Sales upper', or 'Sales avg'. If I choose 'Sales upper,' the data should only be filtered for the first two columns, Region[A,B], and Sales upper[120;150].

How would I put my plan into action?

Mar 14, 2022 in Tableau by Neha
• 9,020 points

1 answer to this question.

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The case you're using for filters is incorrect.

As you can see, filters are used to subset the data row-by-row rather than column-by-column. For example, if your data has 1000 rows and 10 columns/fields, and you want the result computed on 500 rows (filtered based on some criterion applied to a column/field), you must FILTER the data. There will be 500 rows x 10 columns as a consequence of the Filter.

You must choose fields to include in the view in order to display (read: choose) some of the fields. If you want to show/select 5 columns in the preceding example, all you have to do is choose those five columns (read fields) in the view.

If you wish to display 500 rows x 5 columns of data, you'll need to use both.

Fields (columns) in Tableau are now separated into two kinds (Dimensions and Measures), each with two sub-categories (continuous and discreet). All of the values (unique) are displayed when you select/add dimension fields to a view. Instead of combining all measure values, they are aggregated when you pick any measure field to see (by default sum).

If you merely add sales upper to the view in your example, the numbers will be automatically aggregated, and 230 will be displayed instead of two different values (100 and 130). You must change the field to dimension if you want to present these as two separate values.

You may utilise parameters in tableau to allow a user to add his or her chosen field to a view, where you can add a parameter with the values you want to add. After that, you may use a computed field to map your measurements to those parameters.

You'll need to establish hierarchy on the desired fields in tableau to add cascading filters, however it won't work in your instance since the filter will be applied to the dimension values (added in the hierarchy) instead of the first dimension values and then the dimension names as you want.
answered Mar 16, 2022 by Vaani
• 7,070 points

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