Suggest Implementation method for Smart Parking Points

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I am exploring real life implementational usage of IoT Solutions. One such projects is SMart Parking Points. Given below is the requirements:

When a person enters the parking lot with a car, he faces a series of green and red lights above each parking lot. There is a sensor above the head of any park location with 2 green and red lights.

If a car parked in a car, the sensor detects the car and lights its red light to the fullness of the place. If the sensor detects the location empty, that is, the car did not park under it, it lights up its green light as an empty parking spot. Now that the driver sees the green lights, he will know where there is space for the park. Now, I want to know what is the best scenario in your view to implementing this project? Do you recommend using a central system using a robust firewall or using multiple Arduino modules for each sensor? Thank you for your guidance.
Aug 24, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Matt
• 2,270 points

1 answer to this question.

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They are different things. Raspberry PI is a computer, arduino is just a microcontroller with peripherals as facilities. Raspberry runs an Operational System inside, Arduino doesn't. Raspberry has a digital-only set of electrical interfaces. Arduino has both analog and digital.

Depend on the project needs one or other is more suitable. Since IoT have infinite scenarios of applications, each one with its requirements and features, in general it is impossible to define what is better for IoT.
answered Aug 24, 2018 by anonymous2
• 4,240 points

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