RPMs for IoT Agents of Backend Device Management GE in FIWARE IoT ecosystem

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I'm running a CentOS 7 VM on my computer and I need to get an IDAS instance running on my system. And since, I'm using the UltraLight2.0 protocol with http for device connection and communication through the IoT Agent, I thought this is all the reference I'll need:- https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-IoTAgent-Cplusplus/

Now, I found RPMs listed as an option under the section 'Deployment/UsingRPMs' and upon entering it, I could only find instructions on how to build them from source but not the RPMs.

If I'm not wrong, RPMs for IDAS should be available as well, right? Or is it that specific RPMs have to be built for the components and Backend Device Management GE implementations  for each OS instance?  

I'm really confused, please advice. TIA!
Jul 30, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Bharani
• 4,660 points

1 answer to this question.

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The RPMs for IDAS component are availaible. But they are not placed in the section you've been looking in.

In fact, I got confused too and finally found them in the IDAS catalogue section for Downloads. It is very much there, but there aren't any references to it, making it hard to locate.

Although I'd still recomend building RPM packages from source RPM. And if the instructions weren't too clear, you could check this out: https://www.thegeekstuff.com/2015/02/rpm-build-package-example/
answered Jul 30, 2018 by DataKing99
• 8,250 points

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