All libraries of the full .Net framework is not available to the Windows 10 IoT, which also uses the .Net Micro Framework. Plus, PowerShell is based on .Net as well, which essentially means that its available modules and cmdlets will only depend upon the capabilities of its underlying framework. So, a fair amount of functionality would be obviously be missing in the systems of IoT.
Although, there hasn't really been a documented list of availability on all components between IoT's PowerShell and a full .Net framework that will be a part of these minimal operating software packages.
Thus, you can make use of Get-Command and Get-Module to see exactly what's available on your system. And, If there's a command that you can't find, then it's most probably just not available.
Also, please note: A known bug in PowerShell security policies causes the following issues to manifest within the remote session:
- Get-Help returns unexpected matches.
- Get-Command on a specified module returns empty command list.
- Running a cmdlet from any of these modules throws CommandNotFoundException: Appx, NetAdapter, NetSecurity, NetTCPIP, PnpDevice.
- Import-Module on any of the above modules throws PSSecurityException exception with UnauthorizedAccess. Module auto loading does not work either.
Workaround: Modify the execution policy within the remote PowerShell session to "RemoteSigned". For details on different execution policies, please refer: