Power BI dataset and Excel on Mac OS

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I'd like to give numerous employees at my company access to data from a Data Warehouse. I need to generate a dataset with filtered data, and then allow access to those data to authorized people in Excel on Mac OS. I'm not sure if this is feasible because the "Analyze on Excel" feature isn't available for Mac users to download. Do you have any suggestions?
Feb 18, 2022 in Power BI by surbhi
• 3,820 points

1 answer to this question.

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Because Excel for MacOS isn't supported, connecting to Power BI datasets using Power Query isn't possible. Only csv, json, and a few additional file types are supported by Power Query for MacOS Excel. There is no Power Pivot for MacOS.

This premium option allows you to connect to OLAP sources such as SQL Server Tabular, but only for On-premise SSAS or Azure Analysis Service. If you have Power BI Premium, you might be able to connect to the dataset's xmla endpoint using the CDATA plugin.

The other method is to use PBI Desktop on Windows to develop the filtered data model, deploy it to the service, and then grant them access to the Power BI Service.

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answered Feb 18, 2022 by CoolCoder
• 4,420 points

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