Try this: $files = array_values(array_filter(scandir($path), function($file) use ($path) ...READ MORE
Hello, Try this: <?php ob_start(); ?> <xml/> <?php $xml = ob_get_clean(); ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, ou can use php_ini_loaded_file() Taken from $inipath = ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Try this query: mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `column` ...READ MORE
Hello, Try this: if (isset($_POST['remove'])) { ...READ MORE
Hello, If A is a class, you can access it ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Add this to the page that ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Let's say you want to save ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Since PHP 5.4 it's possible to ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Send the following headers before outputting ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, My script for installing an error ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, If your whole JavaScript code gets ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, You have a JSON string, not ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, CURL-less method with PHP5: $url = ''; $data ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, This is how you do it: set_error_handler(function($errorType){ ...READ MORE
Yes good i like it so nice ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Use a JOIN in the DELETE statement. DELETE p, pa ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Use the php_sapi_name() function. if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") { ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Go to Tools->Plugins. In the Settings tab ensure that the ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, You can write following codes to ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, php_value upload_max_filesize 30M is correct. You will have ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, You cannot check it from the ...READ MORE
The PHP and the HTML should each ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Use this code: function post_without_wait($url, $params) { ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, It works both ways - you ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, If you put an Iframe in ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, __CLASS__ always returns the name of the ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, There's a lot of ways. The ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Replace < with < and& ...READ MORE
Hello, you can register the following code at Application ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Try the below steps: edit app/config/config.yml then go to assetic: under ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Here is a sample code: <?php $sql="select ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Here is a version in a functional ...READ MORE
Use procmail if it is installed on ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Use array_unique(): Example: $array = array(1, 2, 2, 3); $array ...READ MORE
Hello @saima , Before you extract values from $_POST ,$_SESSION, ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Simply try this: $first = $second = ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, You can use basename() and $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] to get current page ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Try this php code. <?PHP function getUserIP() { ...READ MORE
Simply, $source = 'Source_file_location' ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Another option is to explicitly mark ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, You need to use the -p flag to ...READ MORE
Hello, Try: $result = curl_exec($cURL); $result = json_decode($result,true); Now you can ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, the php command offers two switches to ...READ MORE
Hello, You are looking for the extends keyword: Interface IFoo extends ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Use an equals (=) sign in ...READ MORE
Hello @viven , This should be a simple fix ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, You could download a free GeoIP ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Try this: {% if var == constant('Namespace\\Entity::TYPE_PERSON') ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, This is not a catchable fatal ...READ MORE
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