You could make your task an asynchronous action by ...READ MORE
Of course, that is possible @Neel, just ...READ MORE
Ansible is highly dependant on the python ...READ MORE
Hey @kailash use the authorized_key plugin that ...READ MORE
Hey @Nisha, you get this error when ...READ MORE
Hey @Thomas, Seems like those extra paths have ...READ MORE
Hey @Syra, use the sudo directive in ...READ MORE
Hey @Liala, try using hosts as localhost ...READ MORE
Hey @Veronica, 6332 is the process ID ...READ MORE
Ansible provides a huge variety of plugins ...READ MORE
Try this: - name: Set up multiple authorized ...READ MORE
Ansible can upgrade itself using pip module ...READ MORE
Hey @Junaid, You can see all the ...READ MORE
Hey @Jay, connection plugins allow ansible to ...READ MORE
Hey @Kanika, You need to open two ...READ MORE
Hey @Rahul thanks for a better question ...READ MORE
Hey @Chris, most of the tasks in ...READ MORE
Hey @Emily, hope this works - name: Set ...READ MORE
Cache plugins allow Ansible to store gathered facts ...READ MORE
Hey @Tanishq, you can use the a10_server ...READ MORE
Hey @Jason, You can enable a cache plugin ...READ MORE
Hey @Anju, you could change your second ...READ MORE
Hey Kiara, Execute the following commands to Install ...READ MORE
Yes @Donna, you can execute a module ...READ MORE
If you're restoring to a new cluster, ...READ MORE
Remove the previous processes before running this ...READ MORE
Hey @Ruth, check one of these places: check ...READ MORE
The facts gathered by these tools are ...READ MORE
group_vars/all/main.yml: symfony: env: "{{ ENV ...READ MORE
ec2_vpc_subnet is support from Ansible version 2.0 and ...READ MORE
You are missing the settings for your ...READ MORE
Hey @Pandora, You can use the aci_config_snapshot module ...READ MORE
Hey @Ruth, you seem to have made ...READ MORE
Het @Peter, try something like this: - name: ...READ MORE
Hey @Laksha, Look at how you're starting ...READ MORE
The below requirements are needed on the ...READ MORE
Ansible provides a way to specify this ...READ MORE
Hey @Faizal, your worry is obvious in ...READ MORE
These are the requirements for the host ...READ MORE
Hey @Kishore make sure, your folder directory ...READ MORE
Here sudo_pass is where you're going wrong. ...READ MORE
There three types of variables variables gathered from ...READ MORE
Hey @Lopez, you can use the authorized_key ...READ MORE
Of course automation is being used everywhere and ...READ MORE
Hey @Karthik, you don't really have to ...READ MORE
Hey @Neel, you can fetch that information ...READ MORE
Hey @Jeena, you should find it at /etc/tower/conf.d/, ...READ MORE
Hey @Kiara, f you want to make my_dir available to ...READ MORE
Change the bash profile to read like ...READ MORE
You'll need a requirements.yaml file which will ...READ MORE
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