Hi @Hannah, this ansible task should do ...READ MORE
Solution is to update epel. Try and let ...READ MORE
You can also create a kubernetes namespace ...READ MORE
Check this out: - name: Start liberty_server: ...READ MORE
Write your playbook like this: --- - hosts: droplets ...READ MORE
Hi, I need to take AMI(amazon machine ...READ MORE
You need three main variables, one to ...READ MORE
Hey @Nisha, according to your error, your ...READ MORE
Running parallel tasks in Ansible is not ...READ MORE
have a look at this ansible-playbook. It ...READ MORE
This should workout: - name: Create profile_nodeagent: ...READ MORE
Hey @Bob, try something like this: ansible-playbook playbook.yml ...READ MORE
You can use the ansible module called ...READ MORE
The cert.pem file is a somehow moving to ...READ MORE
Hey @Hita, use the apt module to ...READ MORE
Hey @Pavan, you can use the following ...READ MORE
Hey @Adarsh, try this task definition: --- - hosts: ...READ MORE
You don't really need anything specific. Just ...READ MORE
Hey @Rajendra, If you wish to perform ...READ MORE
Please check you indentation, remove all spaces ...READ MORE
Try this: - hosts: web tasks: ...READ MORE
Hi pravalika, its pretty simple. You just ...READ MORE
Hey, @Asha seems like your registry does ...READ MORE
Hey @Alok, an ansible task like this ...READ MORE
You can set a ProxyCommand in the ansible_ssh_common_args inventory variable. Any ...READ MORE
I have tried to launch EC2 instance ...READ MORE
Use an indexed hostname, and then define ...READ MORE
You can convert a shell script to ...READ MORE
I have written an ansible task to ...READ MORE
You have to use the following task ...READ MORE
Hey @Hari, you can use the following ...READ MORE
Hi @neha, you can write your task ...READ MORE
vars_files is not supported for included playbooks ...READ MORE
Hi, I may not sure about the answer ...READ MORE
Hey @Vardhan, you're missing out on the ...READ MORE
You can use an ansible task, something ...READ MORE
--- - hosts: dbserver tasks: - name: create a table ...READ MORE
Use aws_ssm module for this purpose: - name: ...READ MORE
Create a group in the inventory file ...READ MORE
--- - hosts: all become: yes tasks: - name: installing tools yum: ...READ MORE
Hey @Jinu, you can try the following ...READ MORE
The best way to do this is: copy ...READ MORE
Use requirements.yml file and running it with: ansible-galaxy install -r ...READ MORE
Actually both are same. hosts file is ...READ MORE
Hi @Travis, you can use the win_stat ...READ MORE
Yes @Nagray, you're right! You can access ...READ MORE
Follow these steps to install ansible using ...READ MORE
Your role should look something like this: - ...READ MORE
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