You can create a shared volume and ...READ MORE
1. Configmap is created on the node1. ...READ MORE
POD does t maintain state and when ...READ MORE
Hello, I'm getting and error message while ...READ MORE
You can either modify them via UserData ...READ MORE
I'm not sure but you can try ...READ MORE
Kubernetes latest version 1.17 supports 5000 nodes ...READ MORE
ClusterIP ClusterIP accesses the services through proxy. ClusterIP ...READ MORE
You can recover it using : Kubeadm token ...READ MORE
This is the CRON function for executing ...READ MORE
use /bin/sh instead of /bin/bash This solved it ...READ MORE
On Google Compute Engine (GCE) and Google Container Engine (GKE) (and ...READ MORE
PVs are resources in the cluster. PVCs ...READ MORE
I had a similar issue, but mine ...READ MORE
You can set the timezone of the ...READ MORE
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables READ MORE
The new version of Kubernetes requires you ...READ MORE
Containers on same pod act as if ...READ MORE
Getting below error PS C:\kubectl> kubectl apply -f ...READ MORE
Well, you need to have some way ...READ MORE
A service account provides an identity for ...READ MORE
Scaling StatefulSets : Use kubectl to scale StatefulSets First, ...READ MORE
The mapping between persistentVolume and persistentVolumeClaim is ...READ MORE
Create a deployment of the mysql. Use ...READ MORE
By default, anti-affinity is not attempted by Kubernetes as ...READ MORE
I have fixed the problem! the issue ...READ MORE
Hi, @Hannah, Follow these steps: 1. Create a ...READ MORE
Load Balancer: So Kubernetes LoadBalancer just points ...READ MORE
Hey, You can actually just google Grafana ...READ MORE
root@kmaster:/home/master# kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces NAMESPACE ...READ MORE
If you are mounting the secret as ...READ MORE
Check out this example that allows to ...READ MORE
You can something like this, Make the ...READ MORE
Hi @Hannah, you can use something like ...READ MORE
Have a look at this deployment: You can ...READ MORE
Yes, this is possible. In Helm, one ...READ MORE
Use something like this: application/appl/redis-slave-service.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: ...READ MORE
I have added "/" endpoints in each ...READ MORE
Docker defines a format for bundling an ...READ MORE
Whenever master node under kubernetes fails, the ...READ MORE
Simply deleting the default StorageClass may not ...READ MORE
You can use --dry-run flag to test the manifest. This ...READ MORE
Make sure your imagePullPolicy is set to Always(this is the ...READ MORE
You can use edit for small changes ...READ MORE
Yes, you can use kubectl on kops ...READ MORE
Rollback and rolling updates are a feature ...READ MORE
Don't install using snap. It throws a ...READ MORE
Check your /etc/spt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.d/kubernetes.list. You might have ...READ MORE
Restarting kubelet, which has to happen for ...READ MORE
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