Calico-kube-controllers and coredns are in Pending status and not coming to Running State

+2 votes
NAMESPACE     NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP               NODE      NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
kube-system   calico-kube-controllers-694687c474-6lqzq   0/1     Pending   0          24m   <none>           <none>    <none>           <none>
kube-system   coredns-86c58d9df4-9ffb8                   0/1     Pending   0          35m   <none>           <none>    <none>           <none>
kube-system   coredns-86c58d9df4-h7v4l                   0/1     Pending   0          30m   <none>           <none>    <none>           <none>
kube-system   etcd-kmaster                               1/1     Running   0          34m   kmaster   <none>           <none>
kube-system   kube-apiserver-kmaster                     1/1     Running   0          34m   kmaster   <none>           <none>
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-kmaster            1/1     Running   0          35m   kmaster   <none>           <none>
kube-system   kube-proxy-qmxdz                           1/1     Running   0          35m   kmaster   <none>           <none>
kube-system   kube-scheduler-kmaster                     1/1     Running   0          35m   kmaster   <none>           <none>

I have followed the same steps as provided in

Also have executed the below command.

kubectl apply -f

But still see them in Pending Status.

Jan 25, 2019 in Kubernetes by ravikiran
• 140 points

recategorized Feb 3, 2019 by Vardhan 11,568 views

Hey @Ravikiran, Check if you've given enough resources. Also describe those pending pods and show me the output. 

Use the following command for describing the pods:

 kubectl describe pod <pod-name>

3 answers to this question.

+1 vote
answered Feb 3, 2019 by sayan sarkar
Why doesn't it work with 3.0 version?
You can also use other network plugins like flannel or weave.
Thanks SIr, Worked for me
worked for me also! :) Thank you!
thank man, work for me
Please upvote the answer, if it helped you. Thanks!
Thanks, It's also worked for me !!!!!!!!!!!!
+1 vote

Hi Could you please indicate the commnads required to check if given resources are enough?

Also when running  kubectl describe pod <pod-name>

How to get the pod-name  list?   Using any name in the list resulting of :

$ kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces
kube-system   calico-kube-controllers-694687c474-sp282   0/1     Pending   0
kube-system   coredns-86c58d9df4-28tgk                   0/1     Pending   0
kube-system   coredns-86c58d9df4-6vmxp                   0/1     Pending   0
kube-system   etcd-kmaster                               1/1     Running   3

For example

$ kubectl describe pod calico-kube-controllers
Error from server (NotFound): pods "calico-kube-controllers" not found

Any help will be apreciated as I'm new on Kubernetes.

answered Feb 27, 2019 by anonymous

Get the logs using the following command

kubectl logs podname --namespace=kube-system

Also, check the events using the following command

kubectl get events --namespace=kube-system

You're getting this error because the pod does not exist as of now, it has not been created, still in pending state.

Error from server (NotFound): pods "calico-kube-controllers" not found
+1 vote

root@kmaster:/home/master# kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE     NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE    IP          NODE      NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
kube-system   calico-kube-controllers-75f6766678-jxbrq   0/1     Pending   0          7m5s   <none>      <none>    <none>           <none>
kube-system   coredns-fb8b8dccf-5bsp2                    0/1     Pending   0          11m    <none>      <none>    <none>           <none>
kube-system   coredns-fb8b8dccf-6j6w4                    0/1     Pending   0          11m    <none>      <none>    <none>           <none>
kube-system   etcd-kmaster                               1/1     Running   0          10m   kmaster   <none>           <none>
kube-system   kube-apiserver-kmaster                     1/1     Running   0          10m   kmaster   <none>           <none>
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-kmaster            1/1     Running   0          10m   kmaster   <none>           <none>
kube-system   kube-proxy-xt792                           1/1     Running   0          11m   kmaster   <none>           <none>
kube-system   kube-scheduler-kmaster                     1/1     Running   0          10m   kmaster   <none>           <none>

 I have followed the same steps as provided in 

Also have executed the below command. 

kubectl apply -f 

But still see them in Pending Status.

root@kmaster:/home/master#  kubectl describe pod calico-kube-controllers-75f6766678-jxbrq
Error from server (NotFound): pods "calico-kube-controllers-75f6766678-jxbrq" not found


answered Apr 2, 2019 by TechnologyExist
• 160 points
Hey, did you try using Flannel as your CNI?
and my kuberneties version please help me to fix this

root@k8s:/home/osboxes# kubectl get nodes
NAME   STATUS     ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
k8s    NotReady   control-plane,master   149m   v1.20.5
k8s1   NotReady   <none>                 43m    v1.20.5
k8s2   NotReady   <none>                 42m    v1.20.5

root@k8s:/home/osboxes# kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE         NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE    IP               NODE     NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
kube-system       calicoctl                          0/1     Pending   0          116m   <none>           <none>   <none>           <none>
kube-system       coredns-74ff55c5b-59nk5            0/1     Pending   0          149m   <none>           <none>   <none>           <none>
kube-system       coredns-74ff55c5b-m4nsm            0/1     Pending   0          149m   <none>           <none>   <none>           <none>
kube-system       etcd-k8s                           1/1     Running   2          149m   k8s      <none>           <none>
kube-system       kube-apiserver-k8s                 1/1     Running   3          149m   k8s      <none>           <none>
kube-system       kube-controller-manager-k8s        1/1     Running   2          149m   k8s      <none>           <none>
kube-system       kube-proxy-6tx6b                   1/1     Running   2          149m   k8s      <none>           <none>
kube-system       kube-proxy-7hhfw                   1/1     Running   1          43m   k8s2     <none>           <none>
kube-system       kube-proxy-tm996                   1/1     Running   1          43m   k8s1     <none>           <none>
kube-system       kube-scheduler-k8s                 1/1     Running   2          149m   k8s      <none>           <none>
tigera-operator   tigera-operator-675ccbb69c-2wkg4   1/1     Running   3          124m   k8s      <none>           <none>
To get description you need to provide namespace as well. Use the following command:

kubectl describe pod calico-kube-controllers-75f6766678-jxbrq -n kube-system

Also, check the pod name. Better copy paste the pod name.

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