How to deploy Liberty packaged server automatic delivery

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I have been working in a Websphere Liberty application that, because of particular server.xml configurations, i am trying to deploy it via packaged servers to Bluemix.

I want to work the code in GitHub, and have it automatically deployed to Bluemix using Toolchain / Delivery Pipeline. Is it possible ?

Currently, i have to do manually the task of packaging the server and deploying it to Bluemix.

can anyone help me with this?

Jul 11, 2018 in DevOps Tools by shubham
• 7,340 points

1 answer to this question.

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Here is a concept regarding your query.

It is possible and the toolchain with GitHub and Delivery Pipeline integrations can solve problems just like this. You can even have the toolchain build and publish the application to Bluemix automatically when you push to your GitHub repository.

or you can create a toolchain from a template to help you get started and play around with the Delivery Pipeline integration to build your packaged server.

I have an example toolchain

Click Create Toolchain button at the bottom that may be helpful for you to create and poke around with as it includes a toolchain with GitHub and delivery pipeline integrations to build a liberty app with a packaged server. It also pushes it to Bluemix.

I hope the above information will be helpful for you.

answered Jul 11, 2018 by Atul
• 10,240 points

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