Step 1 - Set variables for mail options.
$sqlServer = 'YourServerName'
$accountName = 'dbMailDefaultAcct'
$accountDescription = 'Default dbMail Account'
$originatingAddress = "$"
$replyToAddress = ''
$smtpServer = ''
$profileName = 'dbMailDefaultProfile'
$profileDescription = 'Default dbMail profile'
. Step 2 - Load the SMO assembly and create the server object, connecting to the server
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | Out-Null
$server = New-Object 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server' ($sqlServer)
Step 3 - Configure the SQL Server to enable Database Mail.
$server.Configuration.DatabaseMailEnabled.ConfigValue = 1
Step 4 - Alter mail system parameters if desired, this is an optional step.
$server.Mail.ConfigurationValues.Item('LoggingLevel').Value = 1
Step 5 - Create the mail account.
# ArgumentList contains the mail service, account name, description,
# display name and email address.
$account = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Mail.MailAccount `
-Argumentlist $server.Mail, $accountName, $accountDescription, $sqlServer, $originatingAddress
$account.ReplyToAddress = $replyToAddress
Step 6 - Set the mail server now that the account is created.
Step 7 - Create a public default profile.
# ArgumentList contains the mail service, profile name and description.
$mailProfile = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Mail.MailProfile `
-ArgumentList $server.Mail, $profileName, $profileDescription
Step 8 - Associate the account to the profile and set the profile to public
$mailProfile.AddAccount($accountName, 0)
$mailProfile.AddPrincipal('public', 1)
Step 9 - Configure the SQL Agent to use dbMail.
$server.JobServer.AgentMailType = 'DatabaseMail'
$server.JobServer.DatabaseMailProfile = $profileName