Creating Android Things bundle and pushing it over OTA

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Anyone succeeded creating Android Things Bundle and pushing it over OTA?

On the Android Things' Console, there's a page to Create a Bundle for the OTA.

I'm trying to figure out how to do that. I've adding just a single APK file main.apk to a ZIP file. Then I've tried to push it to a RPi which is sitting nearby. But the main.apk would not be launched on the device.

Things I've tried/done:

  • Download Empty bundle with Things Build ID=NIH40K
  • Creating a Bundle and pushing it to devices through OTA UPDATES
  • Creating a new FACTORY IMAGE with that newly created bundle
  • Still my app would not be started
  • I've checked, my app's MainActivity has action=MAIN and category=IOT_CATEGORY
  • Tried running app from my laptop via adb connect Andorid.local and it works as designed

But I couldn't make an OTA update. Anyone succeeded doing so? Thanks

Jul 6, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Matt
• 2,270 points

1 answer to this question.

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Here are all the steps necessary to make OTA update possible after creating a new product in your android things console :

1 - Create your first build configuration, either from the empty bundle in the console or from a personnal bundle you added.

2 - Download build of this build configuration. You will get an Android Things image. Flash it to your RPi as you did when you flashed the Android Things regular image.

From now on, your RPi will check if a different version of your product has been pushed from the console. The check happens every 5 or 6 hours so you might have to be patient. Also your RPi needs to have internet access.

3 - Upload another bundle to your console, create a build configuration for it and then push it to your devices via the OTA updates panel of your console.

4 - You will need to manually reboot the RPi to apply the update.

answered Jul 6, 2018 by anonymous2
• 4,240 points

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