Cannot connect Rainbow Hat to Raspberry Pi 3 running Android Things

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I've flashed the Android things image onto the SD card in my Raspberry Pi 3. I have a Pimoroni Rainbow-Hat that I want to connect to the Pi. And, upon starting my Pi, I get the android things boot screen, but no IP. I've connected it to the ethernet cable from the Pi to the port on my PC as well and still the adb connect Android.local throws an error saying unknown host. Despite the ipconfig/all displaying the LAN IP, my connection keeps getting refused when I try the IP with adb connect.

I'm running a Windows 7 on my PC, and I'm able to ping to the IP. But still can't just seem to connect to it as my device is not being recognized on the host and therefore, I haven't been able to load the application as well. Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong or missing out on anything at all. TIA!
Aug 1, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Bharani
• 4,660 points

1 answer to this question.

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Hey, I don't know where you read that from, but you need to plug the ethernet cable from the port on your Pi to the Modem/Router of your local area network service provider, and not to your computer. You're Pi is already a computer in itself, makes no sense connecting it to another computer again for communication over the internet.

Honestly, since you mentioned it's a Raspberry Pi 3, I'd suggest you ditch the hassle of cables and switch to WiFi for your own good.
You can browse through here if you need instructions for setting up your WiFi:

answered Aug 1, 2018 by DataKing99
• 8,250 points

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