Is possible to change instance family using Autoscaling

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I have one doubt with AWS Autoscaling. I don't know whether is possible or not? Let me explain my case:

We have AWS Autoscaling with Custom AMI. I have done some scaling policy that Instance will start up to 3 when peak hour comes whereas instance will down when free traffic. So my question: Is possible to change Instance family during peak hour. For example i have configured t3.medium instance type in Launch configuration. So whenever peak hour comes three t3.medium instances will up. But i would like to start different type EC2 instance family like have to launch t2.large instead of t2.medium. Is possible to dynamically launch different instance family with Autoscaling? Else any other option to achieve this case?
Oct 8, 2020 in AWS by Lakshminarayanan
• 1,370 points

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote


I don't think you can do that. You can autoscale your instance but the properties will remain the same all the time. Same thing we do in Kubernetes also. We can't change the image. For that, we need to update that manually according to your need.

answered Oct 8, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points
Hi bro,

Yes we can't change Image. But instance type selection is configured in launch configuration. I too more confusion about this. Is possible to achieve this by any tools? or any possibility?


I don't think you can achieve this. You are trying to change the type of your instance automatically depending on the load. For load balancing, you need to use autoscale. But autoscale doesn't have this.

Hi bro,

Thanks for confirmation.

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