I want to ask you the major tips how can I achieve successful project objectives And whom do I involve to get the faster result

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I hope everyone doing well, I want to ask you the major tips on how can I achieve successful project objectives? And whom do I involve to get the faster result?

Sep 16, 2020 in PMP by Rajiv
• 8,870 points

1 answer to this question.

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That is actually an excellent question and I can definitely relate to you. Projects are all about practice, the more hands-on experience you have the more you actually learn. Reading about people's experiences is also super helpful, as you see how industries, culture, and types of projects actually make a difference in the way the project is done and results.

Two immediate thoughts:
1) make sue you understand the project objectives. Typically there are more than one and you have to establish the priorities, and
2) define and get consensus on success - delivering everything wanted on budget within the time constraints is not always achievable (actually rarely accomplished).
Then you can start planning on how to get there and who can help you make it happen.

answered Sep 16, 2020 by Richa sharma

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