How to setup my Mac machine as slave to existing Jenkins Master and run iOS builds from master onto slave Once code pushed or Pull request raised for the same on GitHub

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How to set up my Mac machine as a slave to existing Jenkins Master and run iOS builds from master onto slave (Once code pushed or Pull request raised for the same on GitHub).

I am accessing Jenkins Master with VPN and wanted to set up my Mac machine (connected with the same VPN ) to be work for creating iOS builds for CI/CD purposes.

And Does it require my Mac machine to be ON always?

Does this require to create a new user for the Jenkins slave setup on my Mac machine?
Sep 10, 2020 in Jenkins by anonymous
• 120 points

recategorized Sep 10, 2020 by MD 7,000 views

1 answer to this question.

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You can add your Mac system as a Jenkins Slave. For that, you can find lots of documents. You can follow the below document to do that same.

Now it is very obvious that your machine should always be ON. Otherwise, you can't use that system. For making a slave you don't require any new user. Just set up your Jenkins slave and it will work.

answered Sep 10, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points
Thanks MD. I will check the link and let you know if I found any difficulty.

Hi Nadeem. I am having some doubts here

Is is required to install and setup jenkins dashboard on my mac machine also ??

In the 2nd step ( )

1-  it is mentioned that create user jenkins.

So is the new user creation is required on my Mac machine ?

2- It is written that "Go into Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Manage Nodes Click on the node you just created"

So would I have to go to remote Jenkins Master dashboard (which I visit always in browser)  OR I have to set this up on my installed jenkins (on my Mac) ??

3- It is written that "Click Launch to connect to Jenkins as a slave"

So this is also to be clicked at my Jenkins instance (i.e. on my Mac machine's jenkins)

Kindly revert.


You have to configure your node in Jenkins Master. In your Mac system, you should have Java installed. You will get one command when you configure your node in Jenkins master. You need to run that in your Mac system.

So installing Jenkins on my Mac machine (system which is going to be used as slave to create iOS builds ) is not required ??

And every configuration regarding the GitHub repo setup, webhook listener, would be done on Master jenkins side ??


Yes, you don't have to install Jenkins in your slave system. Just configure your slave node. If you have successfully configured your slave, you can see your slave in the Master node. Everything you have to manage from Jenkins Master.

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