when I run this I get TypeError int takes at most 2 arguments 3 given How to solve this

0 votes
class AdversarialNode(State):


    def _init_(self, value, name, isMax, children = []):

        self._name = name

        self._utility = value

        self._isMax = isMax

        self._children = children

        self._move = 1

        self._action = None


    def isLeaf(self):

        return len(self._children) == 0

    def isMax(self):

        return self._isMax


    def isNextAgentMax(self):

        return not self._isMax

    def addChild(self,child):



    def getAction(self):

        return self._action


    def _str_(self):

        s = "Name is %s, value is %d" %(self._name,self._utility)

        s += "\n children are "

        for ch in range(len(self._children)):

            s+= str(self._children[ch])

        return s

from abc import abstractmethod

class Game(object):


  def _init_(self, params): pass  


  def getInitialState(self):pass  


  def getPlayer(self,state):pass  


  def getActions(self,state): pass    


  def getResult(self, state, action): pass  


  def terminalTest(self,state): pass  


  def utility(self,state,player): pass  


  def getAgentCount(self): pass

class State(object):


    def _init_(self, params):pass


    def isMax(self): pass      

    def isNextAgentMax(self): pass


    def getAction(self):pass

import sys

class MinimaxTreeGame(Game):

    def _init_(self):

      bottom1 = [AdversarialNode(3,"E",True,[]),



      bottom2 = [AdversarialNode(2,"H",True,[]),



      bottom3 = [AdversarialNode(14,"K",True,[]),




      b = AdversarialNode(-sys.maxsize-1,"B",False,bottom1)

      c = AdversarialNode(-sys.maxsize-1,"C",False,bottom2)         

      d = AdversarialNode(-sys.maxsize-1,"D",False,bottom3)


      a = AdversarialNode(-sys.maxsize-1,"A",True,[b,c,d])


      self._root = a


    def getInitialState(self):         

      return self._root


    def getPlayer(self,state):         

      return state.isMax()


    def getActions(self,state):

        return [x for x  in range(len(state._children))]


    def getResult(self, state, action):

        return state._children[action]


    def terminalTest(self,state):         

      return state.isLeaf()


    def utility(self,state,player):

        return state._value


    def getAgentCount(self):  

        return 2


    def printState(self,state):

        toPrintNodes = []


        while len(toPrintNodes) > 0:

            node = toPrintNodes[0]

            del toPrintNodes[0]

            print("Name = %s, value = %d"%(node._name,node._utility))

            toPrintNodes += node._children

class SimpleMinimax(object):


  def _init_(self, game, listeners = []):        


    self._game = game

    self.listeners = listeners         

    self._expandedNodes = 0

    self._duplicateStates = {}


  def minimax_decision(self,state):

    self._duplicateStates[str(state)] = state


    if self._game.terminalTest(state):             

      return state._utility


    if state.isMax():

      return self.maxvalue(state)         


      return self.minvalue(state)




  def minvalue( self,state):         

    ss = str(state)

    if ss in self._duplicateStates and self._duplicateStates[ss]._utility > state._utility:

      return state._utility


      self._duplicateStates[str(state)] = state

    self._expandedNodes += 1          

    retValue = 1000000000000


#         player = self._game.getPlayer(state)

    actions = self._game.getActions(state)


    for action in actions:             

      tempValue = self.minimax_decision(self._game.getResult(state,action))             

      if tempValue < retValue:

        retValue = tempValue     

        state._utility = retValue

        state._action = action


    return retValue


  def maxvalue(self,state):


    ss = str(state)

    if ss in self._duplicateStates and self._duplicateStates[ss]._utility > state._utility:

      return state._utility


      self._duplicateStates[str(state)] = state


    self._expandedNodes += 1




#         player = self._game.getPlayer(state)

    actions = self._game.getActions(state)


    for action in actions:             

      tempValue = self.minimax_decision(self._game.getResult(state,action))             

      if tempValue > retValue:

        retValue = tempValue     

        state._utility = retValue                 

        state._action = action


    return retValue

if _name_ == "_main_":     

  game = MinimaxTreeGame()

  minimax = SimpleMinimax(game)

  initialState = game.getInitialState()


Sep 6, 2020 in Python by MUHAMMAD
• 160 points

edited Sep 7, 2020 by Gitika 5,033 views
Hi, @Mahummad,

Could you please mention in which line you are facing the error?

1 answer to this question.

0 votes


You are trying to pass State in your class. But where you get this value. First, check that one. Also, you have written if _name_ == "_main_": in your code. Here you have missed one underscore. It should be like this if __name__ == "__main__":

answered Sep 7, 2020 by akhtar
• 38,260 points

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