when I run this I get NameError name state is not defined error How to solve this

0 votes
class AdversarialNode(State):


    def _init_(self, value, name, isMax, children = []):

        self._name = name

        self._utility = value

        self._isMax = isMax

        self._children = children

        self._move = 1

        self._action = None


    def isLeaf(self):

        return len(self._children) == 0

    def isMax(self):

        return self._isMax


    def isNextAgentMax(self):

        return not self._isMax

    def addChild(self,child):



    def getAction(self):

        return self._action


    def _str_(self):

        s = "Name is %s, value is %d" %(self._name,self._utility)

        s += "\n children are "

        for ch in range(len(self._children)):

            s+= str(self._children[ch])

        return s

from abc import abstractmethod

class Game(object):


  def _init_(self, params): pass  


  def getInitialState(self):pass  


  def getPlayer(self,state):pass  


  def getActions(self,state): pass    


  def getResult(self, state, action): pass  


  def terminalTest(self,state): pass  


  def utility(self,state,player): pass  


  def getAgentCount(self): pass

class State(object):


    def _init_(self, params):pass


    def isMax(self): pass      

    def isNextAgentMax(self): pass


    def getAction(self):pass

import sys

class MinimaxTreeGame(Game):

    def _init_(self):

      bottom1 = [AdversarialNode(3,"E",True,[]),



      bottom2 = [AdversarialNode(2,"H",True,[]),



      bottom3 = [AdversarialNode(14,"K",True,[]),




      b = AdversarialNode(-sys.maxsize-1,"B",False,bottom1)

      c = AdversarialNode(-sys.maxsize-1,"C",False,bottom2)         

      d = AdversarialNode(-sys.maxsize-1,"D",False,bottom3)


      a = AdversarialNode(-sys.maxsize-1,"A",True,[b,c,d])


      self._root = a


    def getInitialState(self):         

      return self._root


    def getPlayer(self,state):         

      return state.isMax()


    def getActions(self,state):

        return [x for x  in range(len(state._children))]


    def getResult(self, state, action):

        return state._children[action]


    def terminalTest(self,state):         

      return state.isLeaf()


    def utility(self,state,player):

        return state._value


    def getAgentCount(self):  

        return 2


    def printState(self,state):

        toPrintNodes = []


        while len(toPrintNodes) > 0:

            node = toPrintNodes[0]

            del toPrintNodes[0]

            print("Name = %s, value = %d"%(node._name,node._utility))

            toPrintNodes += node._children

class SimpleMinimax(object):


  def _init_(self, game, listeners = []):        


    self._game = game

    self.listeners = listeners         

    self._expandedNodes = 0

    self._duplicateStates = {}


  def minimax_decision(self,state):

    self._duplicateStates[str(state)] = state


    if self._game.terminalTest(state):             

      return state._utility


    if state.isMax():

      return self.maxvalue(state)         


      return self.minvalue(state)




  def minvalue( self,state):         

    ss = str(state)

    if ss in self._duplicateStates and self._duplicateStates[ss]._utility > state._utility:

      return state._utility


      self._duplicateStates[str(state)] = state

    self._expandedNodes += 1          

    retValue = 1000000000000


#         player = self._game.getPlayer(state)

    actions = self._game.getActions(state)


    for action in actions:             

      tempValue = self.minimax_decision(self._game.getResult(state,action))             

      if tempValue < retValue:

        retValue = tempValue     

        state._utility = retValue

        state._action = action


    return retValue


  def maxvalue(self,state):


    ss = str(state)

    if ss in self._duplicateStates and self._duplicateStates[ss]._utility > state._utility:

      return state._utility


      self._duplicateStates[str(state)] = state


    self._expandedNodes += 1




#         player = self._game.getPlayer(state)

    actions = self._game.getActions(state)


    for action in actions:             

      tempValue = self.minimax_decision(self._game.getResult(state,action))             

      if tempValue > retValue:

        retValue = tempValue     

        state._utility = retValue                 

        state._action = action


    return retValue

if _name_ == "_main_":     

  game = MinimaxTreeGame()

  minimax = SimpleMinimax(game)

  initialState = game.getInitialState()


Sep 6, 2020 in Python by MUHAMMAD
• 160 points

edited Sep 7, 2020 by Niroj 3,002 views

Hi, @Muhammad,

In which line of the code you shared is the error? 

1 answer to this question.

0 votes


I tried to run the exact code you pasted above. But I didn't get the same error that you pasted. You are trying to pass State in your class. But where you get this value. First, check that one. Also, you have written if _name_ == "_main_": in your code. Here you have missed one underscore. It should be like this if __name__ == "__main__":

answered Sep 8, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points

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