I want to switch from Technical support 1 year experience in Hewlett Packard to Frontend developer

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Please suggest me on how to make a progress in my coding phase and get a job.

Suggestions and advise would be appreciated.

I have started learning HTML, CSS, JS as of now.

Please help!!

Sep 2, 2020 in Career Counselling by Ashvini
• 120 points

recategorized Sep 2, 2020 by Gitika 3,003 views

1 answer to this question.

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Hello @Ashvini ,

Since you'r having knowledge on HTML, CSS, JS as of now as well you have 1 year experience on technical so you should get started your career in path of web developement which is demanding tech in recent time.

So, as you have knowledge on HTML, CSS, JS get some project done using this tech. Doing project will enlist your skills and help you to improve. Also, it puts an impression to any recuiter if you have done projects.

If you want a job in front end development, then you have to follow some necessary steps.

  1. Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: These are the essential steps for any front end developer.
  2. Learn JQuery, Bootstrap, and Saas: This step is an intermediate step in a journey of front end development.
  3. Learn JavaScript Library or Framework: Like React JS or Angular JS. React JS is a library, and Angular is a Complete Framework. Go for only one option; it is convenient for you.
  4. Work on Projects: Make websites and host it on Github. If you are a beginner, then at least 5–7 projects should have before applying for an interview.
  5. I saw mainly at the beginner level candidates having skills, but they don't have projects on Github, so they dropped even though they have excellent qualifications. The main reason behind this is that no recruiter gives too much time on one candidate, mainly on the initial level, so if you have Github account with some projects in your hand, it will be easier for you.
For more detail on how to become full stack developer you can also refer this:https://www.edureka.co/blog/how-to-become-a-full-stack-web-developer/
Hope it helps!!
Thank you!!
answered Sep 2, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,840 points

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