What was your path to becoming a PM

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 As the importance of acquiring a PMP certification grew, many aspiring PMs or those working as PMs were able to attain the certification. Others fell into the role by starting with a professional degree like engineering or construction, etc. These days many folks have opted for a Bachelor's, Master's, or Ph.D. and/or a certificate in Project Management. The paths to a PM vary.

Would be great to hear what your path to becoming a PM was, and why you took that path?

Aug 25, 2020 in PMP by Gitika
• 65,770 points

1 answer to this question.

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 I still work in IT and perform IT-specific functions, but over the course of several years I gradually became the "unofficial IT project manager". When larger more complex IT projects were needed, it eventually leads to me being given more time, authority, and control over all IT related projects.

Initially, out of necessity, I developed my own methods for handling projects. When those personal methods began to show deficiencies as project complexity grew, I turned to the PMI body of knowledge and began self-study and training in various traditional and agile project management methods. I've learned a lot over the past 10 years and continue to learn more from every new project.

answered Aug 25, 2020 by Richa sharma

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