Extract multiple pdf pages with specific criteria

+1 vote
Hi All,

Can someone help me with the pdf page extraction in Uipath. I have a pdf with 500 pages and it has data with multiple criteria's.

FOr example = page 1 to 21 has one criteria and 22 to 26 has one criteria and page 27 to 30 has one criteria. I want to extract specific pages as per the criteria. example I wuld like to extract firast 21 pages and then from 22 to 26 as one pdf and then 27 to 30 as one pdf.

The criteria's are available as a header in each page in the pdf. I want to name the extracted pdfs as per the criteria name.

Aug 25, 2020 in RPA by Moin
• 150 points

1 answer to this question.

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You have to provide anchors and ensure the correct page boundaries are identified - not just the keywords.

Here's the idea:

  1. Read pdf page by page with activity Read PDF Text
  2. Search the text string with activity IsMatch
  3. If a match (Boolean) is found, add a data row containing the search text and starting page number
  4. increment page number
  5. repeat step 2
  6. If the second page is read, update the previous data row ending page number
  7. When the last page is read, update the data row ending page number
  8. Finally, Extract PDF Page Range to extract the pages.

You could use  Assign Regex Pattern activity to replace a space with \s for a regular expression to work correctly. You will need to change it accordingly for the text you are searching

answered Aug 25, 2020 by Karan
• 19,610 points

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