I m trying to set up two Jenkins servers without implementing the master slave model Is there any way to do this

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I'm trying to build a connection between two Jenkins jobs which are hosted on different servers to send parameters and to trigger a project between them. I'm aware that this can be done using the the master slave model, however, I want to know if there's any other way of establishing this connection.
Jun 27, 2018 in Jenkins by Tyrion anex
• 8,700 points

1 answer to this question.

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There is a parameterized remote trigger plugin for this purpose.

First install the plugin by following the below steps:

1. Jenkins dashboard

2. Go to manage jenkins

3. Manage plugins

4. Go to the available plugins

5. Search for Parameterized remote trigger (install this plugin)

once the plugin is installed:

1. go to configure system

2. parameterized remote trigger configuration

3. fill the parameters as per your requirements

4. Finally check the connection using 'validate address' button

To call a job on a remote server

1. Select a build called 'trigger remote parameterized job'

2. Fill in the remote server name, job name and other parameters

Once you run this job, it will trigger the job on a remote server.

answered Jun 27, 2018 by Sophie may
• 10,620 points
Hi,  Can we use remote parameterized plugin when we go with scripted pipeline,  Confirmation is much appreciated.

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