Hive tables are not available in tableau

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I have created a table, ztest7 in the default database in my hive. I am able to query it using beeline. In tableau, I can query it using a custom SQL.

However, the table does NOT show when I search for it.

enter image description here

Am I missing something here?

Tableau Desktop Version = v10.1.1  
Hive = v2.0.1  
Spark = v2.1.0

Jun 27, 2018 in Tableau by ffdfd
• 5,550 points

1 answer to this question.

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I have the same issue with Tableau Desktop 10 (mac) to Hive (2.1.1) via Spark SQL 2.1 (on centos 7 server) This is what I got from Tableau support team:

In Tableau Desktop, the ability to connect to Spark SQL without a defining a default schema is not currently built into the product.

As a preliminary step, to define a default schema, configure the Spark SQL hivemetastore to utilize a SchemaRDD or DataFrame. This must be defined in the Hive Metastore for Tableau Desktop to be able to access it. Pure schema-less Spark RDD's can not be queried by Spark SQL because of the lack of a schema. RDDs can be converted into SchemaRDDs, which have additional schema metadata as Spark SQL provides access to SchemaRDDs. When a SchemaRDD is created, it is only available in the local namespace or context, and is unavailable to external services accessing Spark through ODBC and the Spark Thrift Server. For Tableau to have access, the SchemaRDD needs to be registered in a catalog that is available outside of just the local context; the Hive Metastore is currently the only supported service.

answered Jun 27, 2018 by Atul
• 10,240 points

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