I am also getting the same error
I typed this command flume-ng version to check the version of flume but it shows this error.
C:\apache-flume-1.6.0-bin\bin>flume-ng version
C:\apache-flume-1.6.0-bin\bin>powershell.exe -NoProfile -InputFormat none -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -File C:\apache-flume-1.6.0-bin\bin\flume-ng.ps1 version
WARN: Config directory not set. Defaulting to C:\apache-flume-1.6.0-bin\conf
Sourcing environment configuration script C:\apache-flume-1.6.0-bin\conf\flume-env.ps1
Including Hadoop libraries found in (C:\hadoop-3.1.4) for DFS access
WARN: HBASE_HOME not found
WARN: HIVE_HOME not found
Running FLUME version :
class: org.apache.flume.tools.VersionInfo
Start-Process : This command cannot be run due to the error: The system cannot find the file specified.
At C:\apache-flume-1.6.0-bin\bin\flume-ng.ps1:189 char:10
+ $x = Start-Process $javaPath -ArgumentList "$fullJavaCommand" -Wa ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Start-Process], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartProcessCommand
Can you please tell how to fix it??