Hey @kartik
dd stands for "Dump and Die."
Laravel's dd() function can be defined as a helper function, which is used to dump a variable's contents to the browser and prevent the further script execution.
ghfghfgh skldjskldjakldjsklajd skdjakldjskljdsklajd' DFK ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, You can generate parentheses by passing ...READ MORE
Hey @Kartik. Directories used in a common Laravel ...READ MORE
Laravel reverse routing is generating URL's based ...READ MORE
Hey @kartik, First you must have xampp install ...READ MORE
Hello, First you need to have laravel install ...READ MORE
Hii, First you need to start Apache and ...READ MORE
Hey, You just need to go Laravel folder through ...READ MORE
Hey kartik, Laravel includes a middleware to rate ...READ MORE
Hello, Insert(): This function is simply used to ...READ MORE
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