As you know(if not refer ) that scope is a special memory allocation when the controller is initiated.
But inherited Scope is the addition memory allocation of a controller which is defined under its parent controller. It is completely opposite to shared scope where the parent and child have same scope.
Let us understand by the following example:
<body ng-app="sample>
<div ng-controller="emp">
<div ng-controller="emp-details">
Here "emp" is a parent contoller having its own scope containing its on data to it i.e name . There is another controller named emp-details which is also having its own scope but having its own data i.e id it also have access to parent scope data i.e name.
{note}- 1.If there is any change in parent scope those are reflected in child scope but the vice-versa is not true.
2.If you want to that changes get reflected from child scope to parent you can have exclusive method by using $parent.data_item=new_val;