for pro in product: for ser in service: if ( pro['attributes']['code'] == ser['relationships']['service']['data']['id'] ): service_attributes.append(ser['attributes']['service-parameters']) else: service_attributes.append(None)
This example might help:
for x, y in ((a,b) for a in [1,2,3] for b in [5,6,7]): print x, y
Here's the code: check = input("Enter the character: ...READ MORE
Assuming that your file unique.txt just contains ...READ MORE
If you're already normalizing the inputs to ...READ MORE
The %s specifier converts the object using ...READ MORE
What i found is that you can use ...READ MORE
You can replace the three loops with: from ...READ MORE
Instead of multi-loop, If you can categorize ...READ MORE
You have to called the built in ...READ MORE
You can get the changing time from ...READ MORE
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