You can get the changing time from the getctime property
import glob import os list_of_files = glob.glob('/path/to/folder/*') # * means all if need specific format then *.csv last_change_time = os.path.getctime
Hi, Try the below given code: with open('myfile.txt') as ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, would suggest using glob.iglob() instead of the glob.glob(), as ...READ MORE
text = "this is a sample python ...READ MORE
You have to called the built in ...READ MORE
You can also use the random library's ...READ MORE
Syntax : list. count(value) Code: colors = ['red', 'green', ...READ MORE
Enumerate() method adds a counter to an ...READ MORE
You can simply the built-in function in ...READ MORE
Here's the logic. You have to add ...READ MORE
subprocess.Popen(["hadoop", "fs", "-cat", "/path/to/myfile"], stdou ...READ MORE
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