The term Alpha cluster means that alpha APIs are enabled, both for Kubernetes and GKE, regardless of the version of Kubernetes the cluster runs.
Creating an alpha cluster:
Node auto-upgrade and auto-repair are disabled automatically for alpha clusters.
It is not possible to enroll an alpha cluster in a release channel.
To create an alpha cluster, run the following command:
gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER_NAME] \
--enable-kubernetes-alpha \
[--zone [COMPUTE_ZONE]] \
[--cluster-version [VERSION]]
[CLUSTER_NAME] is the name you choose for the cluster
[COMPUTE_ZONE] is the Compute Engine [compute zone] in which to create the cluster. The optional --zone flag overrides the default compute/zone property set by gcloud config set compute/zone. Note: Your default compute zone must be set using gcloud config set compute/zone [COMPUTE_ZONE] or specified using --zone.
[VERSION] is the GKE version to run in the cluster.
Hope it works!!
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