There are a few ways to run Tensorflow:
- CloudML
- Datalab
- and It can also be done manually
For Manually using Tensorflow:
- Create a project
- Open the Cloud Shell (a button at the top)
- List machine types: gcloud compute machine-types list. You can change the machine type I used in the next command.
- Create an instance:
gcloud compute instances create tf \
--image container-vm \
--zone europe-west1-c \
--machine-type n1-standard-2
- Run sudo docker run -d -p 8888:8888 --name tf (change the image name to the desired one)
- Find your instance in the dashboard and edit the default network.
- Add a firewall rule to allow your IP as well as protocol and port tcp:8888.
- Find the External IP of the instance from the dashboard. Open IP:8888 on your browser. Done!
- When you are finished, delete the created cluster to avoid charges.
Hope it helps!!
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