Create a Windows VM instance using Google Compute Engine GCE

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Can somebody guide me through the process of creating a Windows virtual machine using GCE?
Sep 20, 2019 in GCP by Sam
• 6,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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To create a Windows virtual machine instance in Compute Engine using the Google Cloud Platform Console, ensure these are done in the first place:

  • Select or create a GCP project.

  • Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud Platform project. 

  • If you aren't using Windows on your local machine, install a third-party RDP client such as Chrome RDP by FusionLabs.

Create a virtual machine instance:

  1. In the GCP Console, go to the VM Instances page.

  2. Click Create instance.

  3. In the Boot disk section, click Change to begin configuring your boot disk.

  4. On the OS images tab, choose Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter.

  5. Click Select.

  6. In the Firewall section, select Allow HTTP traffic.

  7. Click Create to create the instance.


Allow a short time for the instance to start up. Once ready, it will be listed on the VM Instances page with a green status icon.

Connect to your instance:

  1. Go to the VM Instances page in the Google Cloud Platform Console.

  2. Under the Name column, click the name of your virtual machine instance.

  3. Under the Remote Access section, click the Set Windows Password button.

  4. Specify a username, then click Set to generate a new password for this Windows instance. Save the username and password so you can log into the instance.

  5. Connect to your instance using your choice of graphical or command-line tools.

answered Sep 20, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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