how professional developers are able to keep all of the relevant information in their heads while coding

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Hey there,

I'm Kiran, back when I was just getting started with programming in college and started working on projects, I couldn't understand or wonder how professional developers were able to keep all of the relevant information in their heads while coding. How does one grow up? Is it all practicing and working or any other ways too?
Sep 6, 2019 in Career Counselling by Kiran
Hahaha comes with years of practice and experience.
Most of the developers just figures out the logic to solve any problem or code, rest they take help from stack overflow or google, as a lot of times functions or methods get updated. So noone can remember all the information, but they know what exactly to google about.

2 answers to this question.

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Hey @Kiran, Senior or professional programmers are not robots to have stored all information in their heads. Every person learns from previous failures. Similarly, even programmers learn and grow by making mistakes and finding errors(debugging) in their code. Every programmer learns and remembers by working on their projects or applications. Continuous coding/programming is the only way to get precise ideas and remember all the data as asked by you in your question. It takes several years to get to that stage, but one will definitely reach that state after continuous effort.

Hope it helps!
answered Sep 9, 2019 by Anitha
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A decent developer working seriously without anyone else code can hold it in his mind the manner in which a mathematician holds an issue he's taking a shot at. Mathematicians don't address inquiries by working them out on paper the way schoolchildren are instructed to. They accomplish more in their minds: they attempt to comprehend an issue space alright that they can stroll around it the manner in which you can stroll around the memory of the house you experienced childhood in. Taking care of business writing computer programs is the equivalent. You hold the entire program in your mind, and you can control it freely. 

  • Maintain a strategic distance from diversions. 

  • Work in significant lots. 

  • Compose re-intelligible code.

answered Sep 9, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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