How is it to be a programmer for the rest of the life

0 votes
I have recently started working as a Software Developer and I am enjoying coding. But everything gets boring after some time. How is it going to be to code for the rest of my life?
Feb 13, 2019 in Career Counselling by Jin

3 answers to this question.

+2 votes
I have known people who have been coding all there life and never heard them say that they are bored with it. I have been working as a Developer for 10 years and I have never got bored of coding and I don't think I ever will. Every code you write is different, so it's not the same thing you do. If coding really interests you, you won't get bored with it but I can't tell anything otherwise.
answered Feb 13, 2019 by Loki
+1 vote
Congratulations, for the new job.
The best method of taking a fun out of programming is by implementing it to real time scenario.
You also can keep participating in coding competition.
All the best.
answered Feb 13, 2019 by Shashank
• 1,370 points
0 votes
Of course, Coding is very interesting while also boring. It's a very interesting debate topic, in the beginning it seems interesting but later you might get bored due to stress or tension, deadline,repeat work or no appraisal,no encouragement,etc. As long as you are still finding your work interesting or challenging then you will not feel boring else you will get bored. It's completely normal for any software developer/ programmer to feel so at least once during their career
answered Apr 10, 2019 by saradhi

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