What s the difference between Software Testing Engineer and Quality Assurance Engineers

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What's the difference between Software Testing Engineer and Quality Assurance Engineers?
Sep 3, 2019 in Career Counselling by Huma
Practically ,there is no difference in the two job roles, its subjective to company where you work i guess.

2 answers to this question.

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Hi Huma, Software Testing Engineer and Quality Assurance Engineer both have their own methods and ways of checking whether a software application is upto the standards and can be passed for release or not. A Software Tester explores the ways to check how an application works and find the possible defects. Various methods and testing methodologies are used by testers to test the product, locate bugs and check if they are fixed. Testing enables customers with the possibility to see if the developed product meets their expectations on its design, compatibility, functioning, etc. Tester's main focus is to test the application and find all the possible bugs which could crash the application.

While on the other hand, a QA Engineer follows a set of methods and activities designed to ensure that the software application is as per standards or SRS and corresponds to all the specifications. It is a planned strategy of the testing process evaluation aimed at the quality product yield. QA Engineer works out ways to prevent possible bugs in the process of software development. They also deals with the management stuff like methods and techniques of development, project analysis, checklists, etc. QA goes through the whole product life cycle (SDLC) and heads the process of software maintenance. Their main focus is Quality Control and to make sure requirements are met properly.

Hope this helps!

Check out this Manual Software testing course and learn from the expert.


answered Sep 4, 2019 by Abha
• 28,140 points

edited Jun 23, 2023 by Khan Sarfaraz
Very informative!! Thanks, Abha.
Which amongst this gives a promising career?
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Software Tester explores the ways to check how an application works and find possible defects. ... QA Engineer works out ways to prevent possible bugs in the process of software development. They also deal with quality management stuff like methods and techniques of development, project analysis, checklists, etc.

answered Nov 25, 2020 by Mithila

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