Connecting to an EC2 in a Private Subnet

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I have created an EC2 in a Private Subnet. And I want to connect to it, to install software. But the EC2 only has a Private IP and no Public IP, so how do I connect to it?
Aug 23, 2019 in AWS by Harsha

1 answer to this question.

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An EC2 created in the Private Subnet will only have a Private IP and no Public IP, so it won’t be possible to connect to it directly.

Laptop -> EC2 in the Public Subnet -> EC2 in the Private Subnet

Create an EC2 in the Public Subnet and connect to it from the Laptop. From there connect to the EC2 in the Private Subnet. The EC2 in the Public Subnet is called a Jump box or a Bastion box. This is a very widely used industry practice.
answered Aug 23, 2019 by Praveen
• 700 points
you said only the way to access but didn't describe the way to solve.


I guess you got the idea. If you are new to AWS then launch two instances in two different subnets. Then perform the task. Otherwise, you can first learn VPC service. It will give you some ideas regarding public subnet and private subnet. 

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