When should I prefer Client-side validation checks over Server-side validation checks

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Hi. I am building a new web application that takes user information from the html form and send it to the server which then stores the data in the database. For the user input, I want validation and I have two options: client-side check and server-client. My senior asked me to use client-side check but I don't know why and couldn't ask him at that time. Can someone tell me the reason behind this?
Aug 23, 2019 in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by Rishi

1 answer to this question.

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Client-side validation checks are preferred to reduce the load on the server. Suppose there are 5 fields in the form and you decide to use server-side check. Every time there is an invalid input from the user, the server transaction is wasted because the input is sent to the server, gets validated but the data doesn't get stored because it is invalid. In such cases, using client-side checks reduce the requests to the server because only valid inputs are sent to the server. I think you were asked to use client-side checks because the input data is not dangerous to the functions of the web application.
answered Aug 23, 2019 by Steven

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